Oh, We Really Have Become Those People

You know those people who get kind of really way into their pet to levels that start to push the envelope of social norms?  At one point I was pretty sure I’d never be one of those people, but it just kind of snuck up.  It all starts with some Facebook photos of the hedgehog and hanging out on the hedgehog forums to learn more and talk about the funny things they do, and it’s fun, so, hey, more photos, and then a blog, and then you get a stuffed hedgehog.  You set your phone’s lock screen to a cute photo of your pet.  You start showing pictures of your hedgehog to strangers when you are out and about.  Then your friend Alix (Swarley’s mom) gives you an Attack Hedgehog warning sticker, so you decorate your house, then the hedgehog garden ornament is planted by the front door, and you get a properly registered domain in your pets name, and before you know it, you are known as the hedgehog person by people.  Slippery slopes are real, people.


To be fair we also have a pair of garden gnomes on either side of the walkway, like Foo Dogs, warning those who approach what they are getting themselves into.
