Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: Part I – The Great Beginning

Previously: Princess Pricklepants and the Dinosaur Denouement

Dear reader,

Happily, and/or sadly, nobody has sent us any correspondence, so we have no reader responses to offer. We did find one search that led someone here for “how to have manners like a princess.” I’m sure we were very helpful. Someone also came here looking for “pleasantries synonym.” I assume they found what they were looking for.

This will be a brief prologue, since we have work to do here, thus we now offer our first picture with words under it:


Princess Pricklepants was generally enjoying a regal life of leisure with her friends. They caught up on hedgehog documentaries, tried out surfing on a vacation…


…and hung out with their old friend Moonflower the sheep from back in the farm days. One of the robots, Redbot, had moved in as well, to help as a personal assistant, tea connoisseur, and generally nice robot.

One day, while having tea and enjoying some truly delightful baked goods, Bessie, the generic cow and robot programmer, had a suggestion.

“Remember that pirate treasure map that you’ve had sitting around forever? Maybe we could go seek out the lost treasure of Captain Quillbeard.”  They looked at it to help justify this picture:

DSC_0072 (1)

They were impressed.  It looked like it must have taken someone a fair bit of work to make that map.  Also it clearly indicated something important.

Princess said, “This sounds like a very plausible premise for an adventure.”

Boris was puzzled, “Wait, we just found the pile of treasure chests in the quiet spot. What would be the point of even more treasure?”

“Because it would be fun. Also Captain Quillbeard’s treasure is a mystery. Maybe there’s something better than old coins.”

“Well, I suppose that does sound like a plausible premise for an adventure.”

They decided to start the adventure the typical way, by surfing the web for a while. Princess looked up Captain Quillbeard to do some research. She found nothing in wikipedia, which was strange. A query on returned no information. Google was no use. They even tried Bing, which returned results with a wikipedia article on chickens. After reading articles on chickens, red junglefowl, Christmas Island, and a number of other fascinating things, she had almost given up when she discovered an ancient secret web site that told about Captain Quillbeard. (note to reader: please make sure to visit this important link and read the important information therein, then come back here.)

The story told by the mysterious ancient web page seemed like typical pirate fare, but had some interesting information. Unfortunately that was all she could find, and all the links on that page to other notable things were broken.


Jane was concerned. “OK, so this is one of those things we can’t just wrap up quickly, like most things.  So we need to actually for the first time in our lives have a plan.  And we have to make a real plan.” She was still recovering from her tech. career, and thus began most sentences with either “OK,” or a conjunction.
Boris suggested a plan, “First I finish this pie, then we take a helicopter loaded with shovels and stuff to the place the map indicates, then we dig the stuff up, then we take the stuff we find back in the helicopter. Finally, we have more pie.”
“OK, there are some problems, though. First, the island is part of Henakau. And they don’t permit helicopters and hasn’t got an airport. And the only way to travel there is by boat.  Also, quit hogging the pie.”
“So we fly to the nearest normal place, then hire a boat, eh?”
“OK, but part of their customs require that you take the boat from your home.”
“Fine. We have to take the boat. I hate boats.”

They ordered rope, shovels, metal detectors, food, and boat-related supplies from with free two day shipping, then sat around for two days binge watching Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on Netflix and baking macarons while they waited, except Bessie who worked on reprogramming Redbot to serve as a Henakau protocol droid.


Princess Pricklepants, Boris, Moonflower, Redbot, Bessie, and Jane prepared for adventure while robots loaded the ship.


Boris said, “Maybe we could use a helicopter and air-lift the ship to Henaku?”
Jane explained, “That would be prosaic and dull. Besides, you can’t have adventures with helicopters.”
Boris began to think about explaining that you could have many adventures with helicopters, but then realized that using a pirate ship to seek out the treasure would add extra symbolism that would enhance the narrative. He then worried that there wasn’t a proper call to adventure, as a conversation over tea and cookies was barely a call to adventure at all. He thought about many other things as well, but we won’t dwell on them here, since the literary thoughts of bears are not the point of all this.  While he thought about pie and came up with a plan that didn’t involve eating more pie, but would help the narrative.

Boris pulled out his cell phone and called Princess. “Hello, this is Princess Pricklepants, hedgehog adventurer, who is calling?” (She was still working out etiquette for answering phones, she really preferred texting, where manners were easier to understand).
In a deep spooky voice, as mysterious as he could muster, Boris said, “It is I, the ghost of Captain Quillbeard. You must seek my treasure, for the Universe now needs it for its very safety, and only you can undertake this great quest!”
“Boris, is that you? Why are you using that odd voice?”
(spooky voice) “No, it’s Captain Quillbeard’s ghost, eh!”
“Why does my phone say Boris is calling?”
(spooky voice) “I am haunting his phone.”
“Oh, but also Boris is standing next to me, and is using the same funny voice and saying the same things.”
(spooky voice) “Pay no attention to the bear, eh, listen to me, the ghost of Captain Quillbeard. Seek the treasure.”
“Well, we were seeking the treasure, so I think we’re all set here, thanks Bor… Captain Ghost.”
“Oh, thanks, eh… hey, wait, you’re supposed to refuse at first, then go along with it…”
“Well then, I refuse to not seek the treasure.”
“No, you refuse to… Well, never mind. See you on the ship.”
“See you, Boris.”


With that settled, they were ready to go. Boris was not fully satisfied, and was also annoyed that that last photo put the hedgehog in focus and left him in the background, but figured it was a start. Boris knew they needed to meet a wise person to mentor them at this point for everything to work out. He figured they’d met Moonflower recently, so that was pretty close.

“Hey Moonflower, got a second?”
“I have all the moments in the Cosmos, all in the now.”
“Oh, perfect, you sound like a wise mentor. I need to ask you a favor.”
“Right on, man.”
“Uh, so we need someone to help Princess make decisions on the journey, a kind of wise counselor who can guide her.”
“Oh, I’ve helped out on some really wild trips, I am so in.”
“Perfect. Thanks!”

Things were going swimmingly, except with a boat and ideally no swimming. They prepared to board and begin their journey.

End of Part I

Coming soon: Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: Part II – The Great Middle

Will they find the treasure? Will there be sharks involved? Will they keep reusing one small set with boat pictures over and over? How will they manage to make a set that involves digging up treasure? These and other things will be answered soonish. Here is one small preview that answers the shark question, though:


18 thoughts on “Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: Part I – The Great Beginning

  1. Pingback: Anonymous

    • Perhaps a shoutout to Harriet & Charlotte is due, they are seriously Instagram famous (Princess is an Instagram noobie). She’s got adventure in her blood, due to her remarkable lineage which is a story get to be told. We’re planning The Chronicles of Princess Pricklepants to give a proper backstory some day, though.


  2. The is the Ghost of Captain Quillbeard. If you steal my treasure there’s going to be trouble! Don’t believe that imposter Boris who told you to seek it out. My treasure is not for you!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Elaine? Who’s Elaine? Another imposter? If you think accusing me of being someone called Elaine adds some symbolism to the narrative, you are woefully misled. Have you never seen Seinfeld? You’ll never find my Gem of Destiny! Never!

        Liked by 1 person

      • This is *other* the ghost of Captain Quillbeard (he currently has around seven). Note that most other ghosts are part of the inevitable narrative structure of the challenges our hero must face. The Gem of Destiny decides it’s own mysterious destiny (which may or may not involve free pie), and it is beyond a ghost’s power to decide (despite the remarkable abilities of porcupine ghosts, which must be respected and admired). Only a new porcupine or hedgehog hero has the power to realize the Gem’s ultimate will after a long and arduous sea voyage involving several adventures (ideally with a Cyclops involved somewhere) creating a proper narrative, and a final series of challenges on the mysterious Island of Henakau. This seems to be the Gem of Destiny’s destiny, though only through courage, better swimming ability than Captain Quillbeard’s, and some other things will this be realized if the hero is up to the task.


  3. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants, Pirate Queen! | Grubly Publishing's Blog

  4. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants, Pirate Queen! | Harlan Bryant

  5. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants, Pirate Queen! | Jeffrey Welch's Blog

  6. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: Part III – Stench Island | The Pleasantries of Princess Penelope Pricklepants

  7. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: The Picky Princess | The Pleasantries of Princess Penelope Pricklepants

  8. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: Mystery Island | The Pleasantries of Princess Penelope Pricklepants

  9. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants and the Perils of Pirate Plunder: The Island of Mystery, Except Really This Time | The Pleasantries of Princess Penelope Pricklepants

  10. Pingback: Princess Pricklepants and the Dinosaur Denouement | The Pleasantries of Princess Penelope Pricklepants

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